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Product Spotlight: LifeStraw Filtered Water Bottle

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woman using a lifestraw to drink clean water
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Filtered water bottles are necessary these days. For one thing, public water is not as clean as we thought. Filtered water bottles also offer a convenience and ease-of-use that’s perfect for hiking, traveling, or just overall leisure; these bottles give us a sense of security that we are drinking the healthiest water possible. One of the top products on the market is the LifeStraw filtered water bottle. 

Why Have a Filtered Bottle

Did you know that our water safety mandates haven’t been updated since the 1980s? While that seems close for some people, there have been amazing advances in science that prove that what we once thought was clean water, is actually not clean at all. 

Our water in America will have varying levels of contaminants, but scary chemicals like arsenic, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), lead, copper and nitrate are present in all 50 states. To read more about what could be in your water, check out our article that outlines these chemicals, and the effects it can have on your body. 

LifeStraw’s Mission

LifeStraw was started by Vestergaard, an innovative leader in the global fight against diseases. Their products are used towards populations that are most vulnerable, hoping to contribute towards a healthy and sustainable planet. They look to create breakthrough products for the disadvantaged populations. 

The LifeStraw filter began as a humanitarian relief effort, but slowly transformed into a widely accessible filter for everyone. 

Levels of Filtered Water Bottles 

Part of buying a filtered water bottle is understanding the different filtration levels and what they can remove from your water.

  1. The first level is low quality. The low level just removes the taste of chlorine. Unfortunately, that’s about all that these filters do. They do not remove all harmful chemicals or bacteria that could be in the water. 
  2. The second quality is medium quality. This quality removes particles and bacteria from water. However, this filter will not be strong enough to get rid of viruses. This quality provides the best filtered water bottle for travel or hiking to areas with fresh water sources such as rivers or lakes.
  3. The last quality is high quality. The high-quality water filters can remove the viruses and provide the best protection. For high quality water filters, look for the pore size to be smaller than .1 microns for the best results possible.  The high-quality filters are the best filtered water bottle for travel that extends into countries that do not regulate their water.

water stream falling into the palm of someones hand


LifeStraw Go Specs

  • Level: Medium Level and High Level
  • BPA Free: Yes.
  • Average Life of Filter: Every 40 gallons, or an estimated two months if used three times a day.
  • Average Cost: Between $34.95-$59.95. The replacement filters are $19.95 for one, or $55.95 for three.
  • Dishwasher Safe: Yes, just remove the filter.

The LifeStraw Go is one of their more popular designs. You can get this bottle in either stainless steel or a hard-plastic bottle design. The filter’s membrane microfilter is composed of hollow fiber membrane technology. These membranes are made from tiny straws that contain pore sizes of .2 microns. 

The LifeStraw filtered water bottle removes bacteria, parasites, microplastics, and reduces chemicals and turbidity. Some models also remove lead and viruses- but not all bottles will. These are great for travelers wanting to hike near a civilization, the two levels of filtration will allow different abilities for cleanliness. 

The LifeStraw filtered water bottle is lightweight and user-friendly. The filter is in the straw, and the water is then drawn through the filter when the user takes a sip. This can be somewhat challenging, as there has to be a sufficient force to bring the water through the filter. 

This product is a great solution for a non-expensive price. This is a clean solution to a dirty water problem.  One negative to the bottle, is that the water capacity isn’t as high as competitors. The straw filtration style takes up a lot of room within the bottle, leaving users with limited capacity for water. If you’re looking for a large bottle with high capacity, the LifeStraw filtered water bottle might not be for you. 

purple water bottle travel

Where To Buy the LifeStraw Go Filtered Water Bottle

One of the great things about the LifeStraw filtered bottle is how accessible and easy-to-find it is among retailers. Some places that you can find it include:

In Conclusion…

You should own a filtered water bottle. If the LifeStraw Go filtered water bottle isn’t for you, that’s okay! There are so many great options that are available. We have a list of the best filtered water bottles for everyday use and for travelers

At ONIT, we believe that everyone should have access to safe drinking water whether you’re at home or on-the-go. If you’re looking to add a home filtration system, we are here to help! Sign up today for a free water test, or to find a free quote for your household. We look forward to hearing from you today!

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