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Debunking the Common Disadvantages of Solar Energy

a man on a roof installing a solar panel for renewable energy
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You may have heard a lot of talk about the disadvantages of solar energy. But much of what you hear may be misinformation masquerading as a reliable fact. Some of the more common myths circulating on the Internet include:

  • Myth #1: It’s only for rich people.
  • Myth #2: Solar energy is unreliable.
  • Myth #3: The panels can damage your roof.
  • Myth #4: Solar energy requires a specific type of roof.
  • Myth #5: It is dangerous.
  • Myth #6: Solar energy is a bad investment if you ever plan to sell your home.

Myth #1: You Have to Be Rich to Have Solar Panels

In reality, solar energy is becoming more affordable all the time. In fact, thousands of middle-income families across the country use power from the sun to reduce their monthly electric bills. This trend is expected to continue as solar panels, batteries, and other critical components become less expensive. 

There’s another money-saving benefit to using solar power. The panels by themselves can make your home up to 5° cooler during the warm months. That’s because they either absorb or reflect most of the sunlight that would otherwise bathe your roof in the sweltering summer heat.

Once you consider all the facts, it’s easy to see that going solar is a smart move for homeowners of all income levels. That’s especially true when you consider the many tax credits, financing plans, and other opportunities for saving money. Our renewable energy experts can give you all the details when you get in touch with us.

Myth #2: Solar is Unreliable

Nothing could be further from the truth. After all, what do people say when things look bleak and uncertain? They say, “the sun will still rise tomorrow.” And they’re right; even the gloomiest days provide plenty of sunlight to help you power your home. Plus, modern storage batteries mean that you’ll have electricity on hand even when the sun isn’t shining quite as bright as you might like. 

Remember, the vast majority of solar-powered homes are still tied to their local electric grid. This means you’ll never have to worry about your appliances or other devices running out of juice. In reality, your electricity bills will be lower than ever before. So you’ll probably end up with more money in your pocket than you did before your solar system was installed.

One more thing: we offer a free energy audit to all of our potential customers. Our experts will go over your home or business with a fine-tooth comb, locate any issues that could raise your utility bills, and recommend ways to resolve the problem. This service alone can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. 

a man on a roof installing a solar panel

Myth #3: Solar Panels Damage Roofs

Solar panels will NOT harm your roof if they are properly installed. The rare instances in which damage occurs are due to improper installation techniques or inferior equipment. To avoid these problems, we recommend using a trained, licensed company with an established reputation for outstanding customer service.

Here’s what you can expect when our contractors arrive at your home:

  • They will give your existing roof a thorough inspection to ensure that it’s in good shape. If they do find something wrong, they’ll let you know right away. This is a perfect opportunity to learn about any existing roof-related problems that may have gone undetected.
  • Assuming that everything is in good shape, the installers will secure the panel hardware to the roof. Sometimes they’re able to do this without drilling holes in the roof at all. Other times they may need to use commercial-grade fasteners called lag bolts. But they will also cover the installation points with flashing, a product used by professional roofers to repel rain and other forms of precipitation. You almost certainly have flashing on your roof right now.
  • They will install the rest of the equipment in accord with the highest professional standards, then give everything a thorough post-installation inspection. You will have the chance to inspect the setup yourself and ask any questions you may have.
  • Once installation is complete, you can enjoy your lower utility bills, free of worry. That’s because we back every job with our customer satisfaction guarantee. Also, your equipment is covered by a 25-year manufacturer’s warranty for added peace of mind.

 One more point we’d like to make: more often than not, solar panels can help your roof to last longer. That’s because they block harmful UV radiation that would otherwise weaken the chemical bonds that hold roofing materials together. The panels also block high winds that can blow away shingles. So don’t give another thought to these “disadvantages of solar energy”

Myth #4: You Have to Have a Specific Roof to Have Solar Panels

In reality, more than 90% of the roofs in the United States are good candidates for a solar power system. To find out if your roof is one of them, just ask yourself a few simple questions:

  • What type of roofing material does your home have: shingle, tile, and metal roofs are great candidates for solar power. So are flat commercial roofs, for that matter.
  • What is the pitch of your roof: you can calculate this for yourself by dividing the horizontal run by the vertical rise. If that sounds like too much math, then don’t worry. Most homes in the country have a pitch between 30% and 40%, which works just fine with solar panels.
  • How much shade does your roof currently receive: A heavily shaded roof isn’t necessarily a deal-breaker. For example, it may be possible to remove or trim back trees that prevent sunlight from reaching your roof. In most cases, however, a small to moderate amount of shade is no problem at all. We may need to locate the panels on a particular side or in a particular orientation for maximum efficiency. We can tell you more once we’re on-site.

In very rare cases, a roof’s pitch or its materials make solar power installation impractical. However, there are other options such as securing your panels to a mobile metal frame on your property. Often it’s possible to motorize this frame so that it tracks the sun throughout its daily journey across the sky. This is a fantastic way to get every watt of available power from your panels. It’s also a good way to keep the equipment safe from animals. 

an aerial view of solar panels on a roof in a home and neighborhood on multiple households

Myth #5: Solar Panels are Dangerous

Is it true that solar panels give off harmful radiation or gases?


This is one of the most common myths we hear from uninformed people who think they know the disadvantages of solar energy. The simple truth is that solar power is one of the safest, most eco-friendly forms of generating electricity on earth. It requires no fossil fuels, no moving parts, and virtually no technical knowledge on the consumer’s part.

Another common belief is that solar panels put your home at added risk of lightning strikes. This is also a myth, although it is true that a properly installed solar power system will include industrial-grade surge protectors to guard your home’s wiring against sudden power spikes. This is another reason to trust the job to highly trained and experienced technicians like the ones here at ONIT. Our people are experts in all aspects of solar panel installation, so you can feel good about having them do the work.

Myth #6: Solar Power Reduces Property Values and CAn Make Resale Harder 

Of all the supposed disadvantages of solar energy, this one is the easiest to debunk. Research shows that a solar power system increases home values by over $9000 on average. House buyers are always looking to save money on their utility bills, and a home with a solar electricity system already installed is custom-tailored to their priorities.

Solar panels can also help your home to stand out (in a good way, that is) by making it more noticeable. A solar electrical system shows that you’re a responsible, conscientious person who cares about protecting the environment. Buyers always prefer to do business with someone that they like and trust.

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