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What Can I Expect With Pest Control Costs?

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Pests. We’ve all been there – whether you are shooing mice out of the garage or hunting ant invaders to their point of entry. It increases your blood pressure as you try various suggestions or remedies to fix the problem. Though do-it-yourself can work, getting the right tools for the job often requires considerable time and money. Every method has pest control costs. Home treatments vary in effectiveness, and some may not resolve your issues.

What is Pest Control? Types of Pests

Pest control is an umbrella term for managing unwanted creatures from your home. Depending on where you live, the types of common pests vary. Treatment will always need to be tailored to the pest. What works for one probably will not work for another. Some common pests targeted by pest control include:

  • Ants
  • Insects
  • Spiders
  • Mice
  • Rodents
  • Cockroaches
  • Termites
  • Bed bugs

However, depending on where you live, you may be likely to see more dangerous types of pests—for example, scorpions in the Southwest or poisonous spiders in the Midwest and elsewhere. If you aren’t sure what pest is causing your issue, treat the problem with extreme caution.

It is of utmost importance to identify what type of pest you are dealing with so that you can use an appropriate treatment. The last thing you want to do is spend time, money, and effort on a treatment that won’t work for the type of pest that has infiltrated your home.

close up image of termite damage

Damage Caused by Pests

Besides being annoying, pests can also cause damage to your home or your family’s health. Some pests can be poisonous, whereas others might be known to carry disease. Rodents, for example, are carriers of diseases, such as Hantaviruses or (historically) Plague. If humans encounter rodent saliva, feces, or urine, these diseases can transfer between species. Rodents like to burrow for warmth and will create paths if they cannot find one. Mice can also cause practical problems by gnawing through cords and electric wires. In a worst-case scenario, this could cause a fire that would significantly damage your home and priceless memories.

Pests can also cause damage to your home in other ways. Some ants are harmless but annoying, but others, like carpenter ants, can cause structural damage to your house. Termites also can cause a considerable amount of damage as well. This house damage can be expensive to resolve, especially if they target a weight-bearing wall. You’ll want to catch these pests as soon as possible to mitigate potential damage and illness.

How to Prevent Pests

The best pest deterrent is a clean and organized house. You want to make your house as uninviting as possible, making it difficult for pests to have a regular food source. Food scraps can attract animals and ants, functioning as an exclusive invitation to a party at your house. Even if you do not see the presence of pests, it is worth cleaning up and packaging food items.

Only store pet food in your garage if you have an airtight container. Unopened food bags can be easy for vermin to chew through, and both spoil the food and make themselves at home. Inside the house, avoid leaving pet food and water out overnight.

Pests are also attracted to water. A leaky pipe or house plant tray is an invitation.

Garage and house clutter can also provide places for pests to hide and breed. It can be tempting to let cardboard boxes or newspapers stack up in your garage, especially over the holidays, but you will want to get those recycled as soon as possible. Wildlife is looking for shelter in winter, and garages are the perfect place for it.

Pest Control Treatments

If you’ve located the pests and it seems like a minimal number, you might not yet have an infestation on your hands.

If that is the case, you might be able to solve the issue with bait or traps designed for the pest you’ve identified. Baits and traps are particularly effective for ants, cockroaches, rats, and mice. That said, you’ll need to tailor the treatment to the pest. Not all traps will work for every pest. Ensure the ones you get are effective for the pest you’ve identified.

These traps can vary from glue boards to cardboard boxes, bucket traps, flypaper, and more. Getting the right trap or bait requires research. Identifying the right treatments can cost time and money to do correctly. Beyond bait and traps, you can also use insecticides or chemicals, which you can buy over the counter. Though this may make them seem easy to use, you must be very careful when using chemicals for pest control – especially inside the house. If you use these, ensure that you read the label for all instructions.

If your pest infestation needs chemical treatment, it is likely time to consider calling an exterminator. Though exterminators may initially seem like additional pest control costs, often they can save homeowners both time and money with their expertise and specialized tools.

close up of termites eating rotting wood

Benefits of Pest Control

Though it initially seems more expensive, hiring a pest control expert will likely save you money and will definitely save you time and frustration. There is nothing quite as frustrating as thinking you have solved your ant problem only to wake up and come downstairs to find a trail of ants to the kitchen.

Often the biggest mistake you can make is allowing the problem to get bigger while trying to solve it. The bigger the infestation, the more difficult it will be to contain. Pay attention to the signs to call for professional help. Their experience with indoor and outdoor methods and chemicals will help keep your family safe while also kicking those pests out.

It is mission-critical to use pesticides safely and correctly. Do not jump to pesticide use right away – always start with bait is the first step to attack the pest problem. Though baits can also have pesticides, the amount is smaller, and they can be used with a low risk of exposure. Before you or the exterminator starts, ensure that children and pets are safely away from the application area. Be judicious about where you direct the pesticide to be sprayed – you want to target specific locations. You do not want to spray every room in your house.

If applying the pesticide, ensure you read the label’s safety warning and instructions. Read it two or three times if possible. Avoid products that you need to mix or using too much. Better yet, hire an exterminator. To help them, do your best to locate the source and ask them to do the same if you cannot find it. Experts have the benefit of experience.

Breaking Down Pest Control Costs

Whether you take a do-it-yourself approach or hire a professional, there are pest control costs.

If you are taking on the problem yourself, you’ll need to consider traps and baits. Pest control costs will also include your time – you will need to research effective treatments for the pest type and find the entry point to block it. When you find it, you must assess and choose the proper treatment. For example, a hole in your garage may need to be caulked in addition to placing mouse traps.

For a professional, you can either hire them for a one-time or recurring service. This often depends on the nature of your problem and what types of pests you have. Depending on your location and your pests, a one-time visit can cost between $200 to $600. If you have termites or wood-boring beetles, anticipate that it will cost more. Fumigation may be required.

The size of your home will also factor into the rate as it determines how much treatment is needed. It may cost more to resolve if you are in a spot prone to pest issues or tough to get to.

The first visit includes an assessment of the situation and locating the nest. Sometimes, the professional will be able to treat them then and there. Remember that an infestation can take a couple of weeks to reside after treatment, so do not be alarmed if it is not entirely gone right away. However, if no change happens, get a second treatment. No matter what the problem, pest control costs are well worth it. Ignoring the problem could lead to much more expensive structural damage in your home.

a large grouping of ants in the corner of a home

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