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FAQ: What Are the Top 10 Auto Insurance Companies in USA?

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It’s officially the New Year. We said goodbye to another year and goodbye to old Auto Insurance rates! With the new year starting, you may be looking towards shifting your auto insurance company. With so many choices, it can be difficult to make the right decision. Instead of spending hours debating and comparing rates, ONIT Insurance is here to help you make the right choice. Here are the top 10 Auto Insurance companies in USA for this year. 

What to Know Before Signing Up 

Before starting, you should have a fair idea of what you’re looking for. If you aren’t sure where to start, here are some helpful tips and questions before you sign up for a new auto insurance. 

  1. First, what types of coverage does the state you live in legally require you to have? Most states require bodily injury liability coverage and property damage liability. Make sure to check insurance premiums as far as specifics to make sure that you have met all necessary requirements for your home state. 
  2. Next, what kind of coverage are you looking to get? Other than the necessary coverages, you may want to choose a policy with different coverages for various damages and risks. 
  3. Understand that certain factors will affect your rate. If you’re a young driver, high risk driver, or someone who gets pulled over frequently, you should expect your rates to be more expensive. Prices can also be determined by age, gender, marital status, location and credit score. 
  4. Don’t feel bad shopping around. The cheapest insurance may not offer you the best rates. For instance, you may want a more comprehensive plan and that could be cheaper through another company. 
  5. Last, do you want a monthly or annual bill? There are companies who offer different ways of billing, so find out what works best for your budget. 
  6. Collision coverage and comprehensive coverage are not the same. Collision coverage will reimburse you for damages to your car as a result of another vehicle or object. It also covers any damage from potholes. MEanwhile, comprehensive coverage protects you against any theft or damage that excludes a collision. Other damages come from floods, fires, hail, vandalism, falling rocks/trees, or if you hit an animal. 
  7. Just because you have an expensive vehicle does not mean it’s expensive to insure. 

Top 10 Auto Insurance Companies in USA


First up is Geico. Chances are, when you read the word Geico, you pictured the cute, clever gecko that has been associated with the company due to the witty commercials. Geico customers, however, know this company for great service and lower rates. This company has a high rating for customer satisfaction. They offer discounts for the military (both active and reserve), clean driving record, and give discounts to students with good grades.


While USAA has great auto insurance rates, they are only available to active military, veterans and their families. For customers who do qualify for that, USAA offers great and low rates. There are discounts for active military who keep their cars on military bases, or for drivers who take defensive driving courses.  


This auto insurance company has over 18 million customers, managing to both attract new customers, and retain existing. They have safe-driving discounts and new customers can save over $750 when switching. Their customer service team is available 24/7, so they’re always available if you need them. Progressive also has pet insurance, so if you travel with your pet in the car, Progressive also takes care of your furry companion. 

State Farm

This company is available in all 5o states plus Washington D.C. State Farm offers discounts to drivers who have multiple cars, good driving records, or having a student away in college that left their vehicle at home. They offer a safe driving app through OnStar, which can provide further discounts if the driver follows rules and drives in a sensible manner.

Liberty Mutual

Did you sing their jingle, too? Their ability to grasp your attention won’t end with a commercial. Their customer service is available both online and over the phone. By signing up with Liberty Mutual online, you can save up to 12%. 

A man dressed in winter clothes has his hands on a black steering wheel as he drives a vehicle.

Nationwide Insurance

This company has over 90 years covering drivers, and have learned a thing or two along the way. Every year you can have an annual check in with an insurance professional to review your coverage. They offer discounts and accident forgiveness. Accident forgiveness is their promise that they will not increase your rates if you get into an accident. Not all companies follow this same system, which is why it landed Nationwide on the top 10 auto insurance companies in USA list. 


They aren’t lying when they tell you that “you’re in good hands.” Allstate has a wide range of coverage options and car insurance discounts. According to their website, they cover and protect 16 million households and save their drivers an estimated $718 by pairing with them. If you want to further your savings, you can have a 10% discount by paying your premium up front and in full. In some states, Allstate also offers programs that allow discounts through safe driving. 


This is ranked the #1 Auto Insurer in California, and is available in 42 states. You have the ability to sign up with this company on the phone or online. Therefore, if you hate waiting on hold or if you’d rather do it yourself, their online option is a great deal.  To find out if you live in a state that qualifies for Esurance Auto Insurance, visit their website.

Travelers Insurance

Looking for a new company? Travelers Insurance could be your answer. They offer discounts for using a telematic’s program to track your driving. Their coverages are also customizable based off of your needs, so you’re only paying for what you want.

Farmers Insurance

Last, is Farmers Insurance. In J.D. Power’s 2020 study, Farmers ranked sixth among large insurers for customer satisfaction and insurance shopping experience. They have great programs like a new car replacement if your car is totaled within two years or 24,000 miles, accident forgiveness and rideshare insurance. 

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