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“How My Startup Uses AI to Reimagine Water Utilities” on Google: ONIT’s Reaction

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Today, Google recognized Varuna, a start-up company and Google for Startups Black Founders Fund recipient specializing in AI to transform the way we think about water distribution utilities.

The highlight is on Google’s homepage and was pulled from their blog “The Keyword.” As a company that is also working every day to ensure safe drinking water for our communities, ONIT was inspired by the actions of Varuna and the new technology they’ve presented.

Main Takeaways

In 2018, Seyi Fabode saw the unhealthy reality about our water systems following a water boil notice in Austin, Texas. The boil water notice lasted for days, seeing over 625,000 plastic water bottles handed out across the city. This isn’t something new, cities like Flint, Michigan and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania have experienced long-winded boil notices. Most recently, nearly 12 million Texans were on a water boil notice following the snowstorm last month. This inspired Fabode to launch his own startup business called Varuna. He chose the name after the Vedic deity associated with water, truth and enlightenment. 

Fabode and his Chicago-based friend Jamail Carter teamed up to create a series of sensors in water distribution systems. Their sensors reduce the amount of times that a technician would need to collect and test water for any issues in quality. Instead, the sensors all work together to understand where the water contamination is coming from, why it happened, and can also predict future issues within the water distribution system. From there, the sensors work with AI Notification Technology, Google Maps and Google Cloud, to provide on-demand information for a preventative approach to water treatment. 

To further their success, Google for Startups Black Founders Fund awarded Varuna with a $100,000 cash award in October of 2020. Since October, they have raised an additional 1.6 million dollars. They are currently using sensors in different and diverse locations in Louisiana, Texas, New Jersey, and Alabama. Their future plans include programs in Chicago and New York City.

How to Have Clean Water Everyday at Home

Another way to improve the quality of water inside your home is with a whole home water filtration system from ONIT Home. Installing a filtration system gives you peace of mind knowing the water flowing through your faucet has been purified and filtered. Using a filtration system means you don’t have to worry about boil water notices. Yes, having real-time access to what’s occurring in your local water distribution system has many benefits. However, with a filtration system, you’ll know that your home’s water is properly cared for and eliminating toxins year-round. 

For water that’s even better than what your city can provide, give ONIT a call today at 1-833-433-0331.

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